Friday, July 24, 2020

Solving The Omnipotence Dilemma

Hello everyone, I hope that Ya'll are doing great. Now for this post I will be addressing an ancient challenge regarding God's omnipotence. This is how it goes.....

The Challenge to God's omnipotence goes like this. Can God create a stone that cannot be lifted, if he can then he is not all powerful since he can't lift it, but if he cannot create said stone then he is not all powerful, either way God is not all powerful.

So does this scenario disprove God's omnipotence? Not at all, since being all powerful means being able to achieve anything that can be accomplished with raw power. No matter how much power someone possesses that doesn't mean that they can do the rationally incoherent like this scenario which is logically absurd. It is like saying God is not all powerful unless he can defeat himself or win in an arm wrestling match against himself.

Here is a quote from Thomas Aquinas
"Whatever implies contradiction does not come within the scope of divine omnipotence, because it cannot have the aspect of possibility."

This statement of God creating a stone that cannot be lifted and yet being able to lift it is contradictory and is equivalent to giving God the task of him using his omnipotence to defeat his own omnipotence.

Being all powerful doesn't mean that you can make a square circle or a married bachelor because these things make no sense. But let's assume that the definition of omnipotence should include the logically impossible, then we could just say that God can do both! God can make an unliftable stone and God can lift the stone, even by using the skeptics reasoning we see that this problem is in fact no problem at all. He can't argue against it since by his definition omnipotence include the logical impossible.

So in conclusion we see that the stone scenario poses no threat to God's omnipotence because the correct definition of omnipotence is being able to do anything logically coherent but even if the definition included the logically absurd we could just say God could do both.

Refrence: YouTube channel Red Pen Logic
Atheist Says God Isn't All-Powerful Unless He DEFEATS Himself

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