Saturday, February 24, 2018

Proving God Exist by 3 Superdogs

my notes:
time itself cannot be eternal, if it were there would be an infinite of past time before right now. that's impossible for infinite is endless. if there were an endless amount of time before right now we would never reach this moment in time. just as u can't reach the end of the line 0____oo you cant reach
oo_____0.  0=right now and oo=eternity.

why is there something instead of nothing either 1. something from nothing 2. infinite amount of previous causes 3. An un-caused cause (God) exist. the first two notions are impossible. un-caused cause isn't bound by time. because of this it's also space-less and immaterial.

Einsteins theory of relativity confirms matter, space, time are co-dependent. Since it's timeless it's also changeless. if it were changeless how could it bring forth anything into existence. example... if a non personal object like a book were in a changeless eternal state how could it bring forth anything? the only way something in  that state could give rise to anything is if it were a choice maker. has to personal, how else could a timeless cause give rise to a temporal effect.

If the cause  were a mechanically operating set of necessary and sufficient conditions then the cause could never exist without the effect. example if cause was below 32  degrees f from eternity past then it would be impossible for water to begin to freeze a finite time ago. so if the cause was timelessly present the effect would be to. only way the cause is timeless and the effect would begin in time is if the cause is a personal agent who freely chooses to create an effect in time. it is non-contingent because if it was contingent then it's non-existence is possible. there must be at least one non-contingent being that exists for anything to at all to exist.

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