Monday, July 1, 2019

Marvel's War On God

In today's article we are going to be looking at some instances in Marvel comic movies that prove that Marvel makes the Christian God of the Bible out to be the villain of the movie whereas they portray Satan or Anti-Christ as the hero. I grew up as a Marvel fan before I came to Christ, namely because I enjoyed watching spiderman cartoons as a kid. Now however my stance on Marvel has changed. In this post we will see how Satan portrays himself as an angel of light (2 Cor 11:14-15), and how that which is highly esteemed among men is an abomination to God (Luk 16:15). The movies that we will be covering is Iron man 1-3, Thor 1&3, Guardians of the Galaxy, Black panther, Dr. Strange, Captain Marvel, and Avengers 2,3,and 4.

Iron Man

The first movie that we will be taking a look at is Iron man. There are biblical parallels in the movie that paint Tony Stark as Jesus. There's the statement render unto Caesar the things that be Caesar's (Mat 22:21). In the beginning of the movie there's a scene where tony is presenting these weapons of mass destruction and calls them The Jericho. Who caused Jericho to fall in the bible? God. Tony even raises his arms in this scene and resembles Christ on the cross. When Tony almost dies he receives an operation that saves his life and it is even said that those that received that kind of wound that he had are like the walking dead, another Christ like reference, sort of.

However it's interesting that when he first emerges out from the cave he starts killing people, this is not Christ like. This is because Jesus came that we might have life and have it more abundantly (John 10:10). He helped and healed people during his earthly ministry. During around the 5:37 mark of the video below Iron man is even portrayed in a comic in the exact same pose as a Jesus and Mary sculpture.

As we will see the villains of these movies who want to annihilate the world or whatever, actually seem to represent God and his judgment. In this case Obadiah (like the Old Testament Prophet) name means slave of God in Hebrew, and  biblically theophoric means worshipper of Yahweh or God's servant. Interesting that they give this name to the bad guy.  He basically says that what he does is try to prevent the world from falling into Chaos. Jesus is known as God's servant (Isa 42:1).

Iron Man 2

In this Iron man sequel we see Tony being portrays like Christ as he is offering to save the world through peace, but we know that Jesus is the Prince of peace (Isa 9:6, Mat 5:38-39, 43-44). So on the outside appearance this seems like a good thing. However Tony's character is more like the devil than Jesus. He is described as narcissistic. He is rich, Jesus didn't have anywhere to lay his head (Luk 9:58). Thus Iron man is an anti christ type character.

Who's the bad guy in this film? Ivan, he say's more or less that if you could make God bleed, then people will cease to believe in him. This is the opposite message of christianity. Jesus did bleed and we believe in him. We see more of  who Tony really represents when he visits Ivan in prison. Ivan says that Tony comes from a family of thieves and butchers, and now like all guilty men he tries to rewrite his own history. Whereas Ivan says the reason why Tony is alive is because of his father. In reality who is the reason why we live, God (Job 12:10). Thus Ivan represents Christ in the film but marvel paints him as the villian. Need more proof? He has long hair just like many Jesus films portray Jesus, he wears a cross in the film and at one point has a white bird on his shoulder (kinda like how the Holy Spirit landed on Jesus at his baptism, Luk 3:22), and he appears to have been whipped.

Iron Man 3

The bad guy of this film (played by Ben Kingsley), calls people ladies, children (Mar 10:24), sheep (John 10). The same things Jesus says about his followers. He is referred to as a teacher (Joh 3:2). In a clip of the movie you can clearly see "redeemed through blood" written on his robe (Eph 1:7). In his dramatic voice this villain even says "and you will never see me coming". Jesus is the one who is coming like a thief in the night (1Thes 5:2). This clip is even titled hail to the king (Rev 19:16). Did you notice that Iron man has the light things on his hands? Jesus had marks from the crucifiction (Joh 20:27). 


The next movie that we will cover is Thor. Thor is considered the protagonist in this film. However Thor is described by his father as a vain, arrogant, greedy, and cruel, these are attributes of Satan not God. We also see that Thor traded peace for war and was cast down just like Satan as lightning falling from heaven (Luk 10:18).

Thor Ragnarok

Now I just want to cover a few interesting points from this Thor sequel. The villain of this movie is Hela. She is a firstborn like Jesus (Luk 2:7), and appears to have a crown of thorns (Mar 15:17). She even says that their father's solution to problems was to cover it up, but that's how we christians are saved, by being covered with Christs blood (Rom 4:7, Rev 1:5). She even refers to herself as a savior (Isa 43:11, Tit 1:3-4). 

Guardians of the Galaxy 

It is apparent in this film that it is the criminals that are going to save the galaxy. 
The villain is a high priestess, Jesus is the high priest (Heb 3:1). Her throne is surrounded by light, but in truth God is light (1Joh 1:5). The high priestess claims that it is her duty to cleanse the universe of fear, jealousy, and betrayal. This is a Job only God could do (although it's envy that a sin, not jealousy). The "bad guys" of this film are called the sovereigns, the problem with this is that only God is sovereign. Sovereign means to possess supreme or ultimate power, a supreme ruler. Are you starting to see how they are portraying the God-like figure as the bad guy? It turns out that you can hear people in marvel movies make the great "I AM" statement which is blasphemy since that is God's name (Exo 3:14, Joh 8:58). In this case it's starlord , the racoon or both. This was during a piloting scene where there like you have to be the greatest pilot to get through this. 

Black Panther

In this section we will be covering the Black Panther, Obviously. He is the good guy of the film. However according to the bible he is not good. Why is that? Because like Eve in the garden of Eden he listened to a animal and ate a fruit that gave him "super powers". The animal he listed to was Bast, an ancient Egyptian cat god. The black panther becomes the king of the dead, whereas God is the God of the living (Mat 22:32). In the movie the black panther goes through a ritual in order to see his deceased father who comes down as a panther from a tree to give him some advice (See Gen 3), he also talks to the other dead black panthers before him, this is known as necromancy and is an abomination (Lev 19:31, Lev 20:6, Deu 18:10-12).

Dr. Strange

Although Dr. Strange is portrayed as the hero of the movie we see that his super power is using black magic. Black magic is defined as magic involving the supposed invoking of evil spirits for evil purposes. In fact, Dr. Strange is called the master of black magic. Just the fact that he is on the side of Avengers proves that they are evil. What fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness (2Cor 6:14)? What's extremely blasphemous is that dr. stranges lair is called the Sanctum Sanctorum (latin for holy of holies). Please see the Deut 18 reference in the section above to see how God utterly hates those that practice magic (enchantment, divination, necromancy, etc).

Captain Marvel 

The villain of this movie is called the Supreme Intelligence. This is obviously a characteristic that can only be attributed to God as his understanding is infinite (Psa 147:5). In the comics this supreme intelligence doesn't have a set form. It's interesting because no man has seen God (Joh 1:18, 1Joh 4:12). Captain Marvel also uses the I AM statement as well.

Avengers: Age of Ultron

Ultron was created to cause peace on earth. This is an attribute of God (Psa 85:8). Like God he knows that the only way to create peace on earth is to destroy the wicked, in the day of the Lord the wicked will be burned as stubble (Mal 4:1) this apparently makes ultron the "bad guy". Ultron believes that the only path to peace is the extinction of the Avengers (the rebels). The Avengers kill him but when he dies he goes into everyone else. This is similar to how God indwells believers (Joh 16:7, Rom 8:9, Eph 4:6). Another biblical parallel is the scene where Ultron says upon this rock I will build my church. This is a popular saying of Jesus (Mat 16:18). 

In another part of the movie Ultron is sitting on a throne in the center of a church building, and saying how that church was built in the center of the city so that everyone could be equally close to God. He is even wearing what appears  to be a jewish shawl over his head. When he is asked why he is come, he says he is come to save the world. In this movie it's vision who makes the dramatic yet blasphemous I AM statement. Vision wants to not just kill Ultron but to destroy his Image. This is what the devil wants to do. He want to twist christianity and make it look bad.

Another interesting biblical parallel that occurs in Avengers is when Ultron is about to destroy the world, he says that he was meant to be beautiful. That the world would have looked to the sky and seen hope and mercy but instead they will look in horror because of them. He also asked Iron Man "come to confess your sins". Who do we confess our sins to (1 Joh1:9)? While floating over the city he states "you rise..only to fall". This is the judgment God gives to the wicked (Joh 5:29).

Avengers: Infinity War

The Main bad Guy of Infinity War is Thanos. He is described as the most powerful person in the whole universe just like God is in reality. However he is described as very evil. He searches for the infinity stones which will actually give him power that in truth only God possesses. Stones that give him power over space and time, to create life ex nileo, bend reality, raise people from the dead, etc. He desires to snap his fingers and wipe out half of all life. This is something only God could really do.

What I find utterly blasphemous in this movie is when starlord is asked who's his master, he says something to the effect of "what am I supposed to say, Jesus". Like it's some sort of joke or something. Just the manner in which he says it I find highly offensive. Jesus is our Master (Mat 23:10). It turns out that Chris Pratt was awarded during the MTV movie awards. During his speech, it seems to me that he professes to be christian. Especially when he talks about the grace that we have was paid through someone else's blood. 

It's also interesting to note that Thanos side uses the verbiage Father and children, which is how we refer to God and how God refers to us. It turns out that Thanos also uses the I AM statement in the a Marvel film as well. This is intentional you can tell by the sounds that's playing and everything else. Another thing that marvel compares Thanos to God is that he rules in a war ship (worship?) called the Sanctuary 2. He considers it merciful to wipe out half the universe with the snap of the fingers. He believes that the universe will be grateful if he did this. Mercy is not an attribute of Satan, it's the attribute of God who's mercy endureth forever (Psa 136). It's merciful for God to separate the sheep from the goats, the wicked from the just (Mat 25). 

The final parallel that we will be taking a look at in this movie is when Thanos is looking for  the soul stone and ends up sacrificing his child for the ability to get it and extend this "mercy" to the universe. My sister in law pointed out that the stones represent converts (1Pet 2:5) "a soul for a soul" as red skull says. The truth is sin requires a sacrifice and God paid that sacrifice by sending his Son to die on the cross to cleanse us from our sin. God loved us so much that he died to be with us. All these attributes (Omniscience, Omnipresent, Omnipotent) belong to God but Marvel has painted it to make it's audience believe the God of the bible is the enemy. Example: Thanos (who represents God in this movie) is said to love nothing/no one by his own daughter. Moreover Christ was willing to die for us, unlike Gahmorra of  Guardians of Galaxy who was murdered. It is indoctrinating others to hate God by sending a fallacious picture of him.

Avengers Endgame 

Another biblical parallel that we will see in endgame is Tony Start the hero making a statement that is eerily similar to the devil's situation when he states that it seems like a 1000 years ago when he fought himself out of that cave.
Who was cast into a bottomless pit for a thousand years, that's right Satan (Rev 20:7). Furthermore this passage is located in the bible's "endgame" Revelation. Only it ain't no game. It's just like in Isa 14 were satan was exalting himself to be like God. We see this common theme throughout many of these marvel movies. 
People fall for these movies because the god of this world (Satan) has blinded the minds of those that believe not (2Cor 4:4). Why are movies like this created? Because those that produce these movies are in the snare of the devil and are taken captive of him at his will (2Tim 2:26). 

In conclusion I will just state that God pronounces woe unto those that call evil good and good evil (Isa 5:20), and that we shouldn't be surprised that this is the case with marvel movies as we see that they are of the world and not of God therefore we should not love these movies (Jam 4:4, 1Joh 2:15).

Reference: Little Light youtube channel: LED live, Marvel NOT: Satan's Endgame | Secrets of the Avengers

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