Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Debunking 10 "Logical" Reasons That Prove God Doesn't Exist

                                                              By Justin Horn and Jesse 
   While searching for something to watch on Youtube, I came across the video titled Top 10 Logical Reasons That Prove God doesn't Exist. When I first clicked on it, I expected that the person presenting the video would have some good arguments for his case. While the man is certainly entitled to his opinion, these 10 arguments are far from logical as we will see by the rebuttals. The points start at #10 and go down from there.

 #10 Poorly Designed Universe. 
 First off, the atheist in the video asked why a perfect God would design the universe and His babies in such a poor fashion? The person also inquires why we should worship a God who created us with diseases and malfunctions? This is a straw man argument, since the Bible states that God originally created Adam and Eve without sin. He gave us free will so that we could originally have an intimate relationship with our Creator. The tree was simply an object lesson.

The Bible does not say that God created a poorly designed universe. Rather, God calls his creation very good (Genesis 1). Science also demonstrates that the universe had a creator as it is not poorly designed as the video states but actually finely tuned for life. Consider, for example, that the planet Earth is the only known system in our universe with appropriate conditions to sustain life. Consider also how the planets orbit in an orderly fashion around the sun. It is the Fall which accounts for the presence of sin, and hence disease and suffering in the world, see #6. God has chosen to restore creation by the means that He has ordained. By what standard does this atheist declare the universe to be poorly designed, anyway?

#9 God of the gaps?

The next argument presented in the video is that we point to God in areas where science cannot explain, thereby labeling Him the God of the gaps. I find it ironic that the person who made this video actually used this point, especially when science cannot even authenticate the existence of the foundational laws upon which it operates. Look at the Darwinian postulate of macroevolution, which has never been observed. Talk about a science of the gaps argument. Why do I say that? Evolutionists make countless ridiculous stories such as whales used to be land animals that migrated back to sea without giving a shred of evidence. There are countless of gaps in the fossil record where missing links should be, it's nothing but gaps. Regardless of whether atheists like it or not, the conclusions of the premises which constitute proofs for the existence of God flow naturally.

Evolution as a worldview is nothing but gaps of knowledge. How can a universe spring into existence from nothing, or from non-living matter? How do birds know were to migrate for the first time? What about dino-sightings/artifacts? Irreducible complexity? What about the existence of both genders? C-14 in dino bones and diamonds, man-made artifacts in rock layers dating tens to hundreds of millions of years old? The superiority of ancient technology? I could go on and on but you get the point.

It's funny how some can blindly place faith in the concept of an eternal universe, but not investigate the evidences supporting the existence of God. The concept of an eternal universe is irrational at face value, for that would mean that we never could have reached a point in time when this essay could be completed. A beginningless sequence of events is logically impossible; an effect cannot take place without a cause. If the universe is eternal, then biology itself would not make any sense.

#8 Inconsistency of Religions
The video points out that many religions view God differently, and asks if there is any unified view of God concerning His form, his expectations from us, etc. But He has given sufficient data to mankind through His Word. Our free will has enabled us to make up stories, believe lies, and rebel against God.

The deities existing in polytheistic worldviews are obviously man-made, subject to defeat and virtually powerless by themselves. In contrast, the triune God of Judeo-Christian tradition is all-knowing, all-powerful, all-loving, and self-sufficient. Religious fables that get passed down through generations simply do not discount the reality of God, but rather validates the Bible's warnings concerning the arrival of false teaching (Mat 7:13-15, 2 Pet 2:1-3). It is from Scripture that we derive the objective nature of truth, logic, and reality.

In a certain sense, all religions are consistent with each other. Even though we may find the customs, traditions, and practices of all the ancient civilizations to be bizarre or abhorrent in our sight, the heart of all the ancient civilizations had a sense of good. These objective moral laws point to the existence of God and are a reflection His moral character. Every religion has an element of truth--it is logically impossible for a falsehood to contain no truth. A lie is a perversion of the truth. All world religions are simply a mockery of the Judeo-Christian worldview, just as all copies of an antique coin are duplicates of the original. Christianity is the fullness of truth.

#7 Creation of The World

The speaker in the video asks if God created the world, then why do we have fossils that date back to millions of years ago? The fact is, fossils do not date back to millions of years ago, that is they do not have a stamp on them saying made by a dinosaur 64 millions years ago. Scientist get those ages by running test based on their (say it with me) BIASED ASSUMPTIONS. For more articles on creation science, visit my main blog and click on my creation science sidebar.

#6. Existence of Evil

So, if there is such a good God, then why does He allow evil, wars, etc? Why doesn't He stop it? If people would just read their Bible, they would have their answer. God did not want to make robots, but children. He gave us the gift of freewill. This way, mankind could demonstrate true love by not being forced to love. How could us acting morally upright stem forth from love, if we were already programmed by God to act in a fashion similar to that of robots? How would that even be love (1 Corinthians 13:4-8)? Man used his freewill to sin, and thus caused a way for disease and death to enter the world. God is just so He must punish sin. He also provided a way of eternal salvation through the Lord Jesus Christ. He can use evil situations to accomplish a greater good. He can use whatever means that He desires to restore creation to its fullness, and is doing so (2 Pet 3:13). God can do all things, insofar that His actions are consistent with His will. This does not express limitation in ability, but a degree of perfection. Objective evil cannot exist without objective good. These can only exist if God exists. He is the uncreated first cause.

#5. Morality Needs No Religion

The atheist speaker goes on to say that if we looked at an atheist and a Christian side by side, then we would see little to no difference in their morality. While this may or may not be true depending on the comparison being made, God has written His moral law into the hearts of all people. God gives everyone a conscience to know right from wrong. See these articles for more information:

The atheists, however, have no justification for their morality. We see them borrowing from the Christian worldview when they treat people well. My question to the atheist would be this: Why should't men go around raping women or stealing the possessions of other people, if they knew that truth was relative to the individual, there is no consequences for sin in the afterlife, and that life is meaningless as evolution espouses? Who gets to determine what is right or wrong? What happens when people contradict each other or themselves?

The video also mentions that there are more than a few incidents of "religious people" who commit immoral acts in the name of God. This in no way disproves the existence of God, but rather demonstrates that those people who do those sins are acting contrary to the biblical Christian worldview. God has given man the free will to pretend that they serve him--but inwardly they do not (Isa 29:13, Mar 7:6).

#4. Religion Runs in Family

The person goes on to claim that you have a 99% chance of following the religion of your family. I do not see how this in anyway proves or disproves the existence of God as people's beliefs do not determine reality. If a person was raised an atheist, then he or she will most probably be an atheist. What is this point supposed to prove?

#3 No Evidence of Existence

It's not that there is no evidence for his existence. I could list dozens of examples that disprove evolution or that show beyond reasonable doubt that God exists. The problem is whether or not one will accept the evidence that is given to them or just interpret it according to their preconceived biases. Here are a few examples. We see that God did prove that he existed through the evidence of his creation (Rom 1:18-22). He also came down to earth as a man to save us from our sins, and validated His ministry through countless miracles (John 20:30-31). The New Testament which documents this is the most historically reliable book ever written. No other ancient literature even comes close to the number of copies of manuscripts that we posses. Some of which were are dated within a small time frame of the original, unlike other ancient literature. See also the standard proofs for the existence of God provided above. When is enough evidence enough?

#2 Common Consent

I actually agree in that it points out that just because the majority of people believe in God, it does not automatically make it true. This is the logical fallacy of appealing to popularity. I find it ironic that he uses slavery as an example in this video, since there would be no objective basis for opposing it in atheism? According to the Theory of Evolution, people with a different skin color are more or less evolved than people of another color, thus supporting racism.

I see the same logical fallacy being committed by those who support Darwinian evolution by saying the the majority of scientists believe it. Let us follow logic to show that this does not make evolution true. Nevertheless, it is interesting to note how the vast majority of people are not atheists.

#1 No Growth in Religion

The author of the video somehow comes to the conclusion that because our beliefs about God have not changed over the course of time, this proves that God does not exist. The reason our beliefs about God have not changed is that His character does not change (Mal 3:6; Heb 13:8). Truth is unchangeable. Two plus two will always equal four, in the same way God's word is true and will never pass away (Luk 21:33, Joh 17:17).

Further, the claim that religion has not grown is refuted by the simple fact that cults have developed.

One of the last questions raised is if God exists, then why is it that we are still vague about what He is like? Again, the reason for this is that people do not read their Bibles. If people did, then they would understand better His character. The bible tells us that God is all-powerful, knowing, omnipresent, eternal, loving, just, merciful, and long-suffering--to name just a few things. It also needs to be recognized that our finite minds are not capable of fully understanding the depths of God's character.

In conclusion, we see that these 10 supposedly logical reasons that prove God doesn't exist are actually quite illogical themselves. They can be answered quite easily by anyone who is rational minded. Anybody who has an open heart and an open mind can understand and believe on the gospel.

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