Sunday, May 20, 2018

The Holy Bible: The Greatest Book Ever Written

Today I thought I would mention some of the reasons why the bible is the most trustworthy historical document that has ever existed.

  • Biblical Prophecy - We see that throughout history many of the Prophecies of scriptures have come true. In fact there are many concerning the Lord Jesus in the Old Testament which he fulfilled such as where he was born, that he would bear the punishment for our sins, how much money he would be betrayed for, casting lots for his clothes, ans so much more.

  • Archeology supports scripture- There have been many discoveries made throughout this field of science that show that the events in the bible are indeed true. Some of these evidences include The Lachish Letters, The Cyrus Cylinder, Caiaphas and James Ossuaries, and the Moabite stone to name a few. 

  • Manuscript Evidence-There is more manuscript evidence for the bible than any other book in antiquity! We have today thousands of manuscripts, some of which are dated very close to the time of the apostles. These manuscriptes also agree in there texts the vast majority of the time!

  • Bible Forknowledge- There are many passages of scripture that deal with certain scientific principles, some of which we have only discovered in the very recent past. Examples include that the life of the flesh is in the blood, that the earth hangs on nothing, that there are springs in the ocean floor, having a merry heart is good for your health, quarantine of the sick, allowing the land to rest for one year in seven (this helps crops), The second law of thermodynamics, and many more. 

  • Bible Contradictions?- Throughout the Internet you will find Skeptics mentioning certain supposed contradictions within the bible. However will a little bit of searching you can also find several websites that take the time to address and explain many of these so-called contradictions. My website answers over five hundred of these supposed contradictions. Some of these contradictions are difficult to explain and do take some thought and prayer to answer. However there are also quite a few that are relatively easy to explain. I have seen contradictions that are so easy to explain that it is absurd! Here are just three of them 1. Did the Angel appear to Mary before she conceived Jesus or to Joseph after she conceived Jesus. Why can't there be two separate occurrences? 2. Is Jesus a Lion or a Lamb. Why can't these be two separate titles that describe different aspects of him? 3. Man may eat no/some/any animals. It depends on what time you lived on earth and if you were an Israelite or not. 

So in conclusion there is no reason to not believe the bible. Perhaps the only reasons why supposed Atheist refuse to believe scripture is that they are either ignorant of these facts and/or because they don't want to give up their sin for God. In either case they are without excuse, the very fact that their is a creation testifies that their is a Creator!  

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