Wednesday, April 25, 2018

False Teacher Alert

In today's post I've decided to do a short expose on the Charasmatic evangelist Todd Bentely who leads Fresh Fire Ministries. It's important when listening to people who claim to be Christians to try the spirits to see whether they be of God (1 Joh 4:1) because the scripture warns us about false prophets.

While there are several things I could go over about Bentely and/or his services that are un-biblical or at least should raise concern; I have decided to just discuss one of the worst things that he has done.

The thing that most upsets me about his behavior is that when people come to him to get healing he does things like choke them, or kick them in the face, he even knocked a guys tooth out doing this. The worst part is that he claims God / The Holy Spirit told him to do it.

Now let's look at the Scriptures to see if this is the case. The bible teaches us that the fruit of the spirit is GENTLENESS (Gal 5:22), how gentle is it to strike a man so hard that it knocks his tooth out? The bible also says that a bishop isn't to be a striker or brawler (1 Tim 3:2-3, Tit 1:7). The fact of the matter is that the Holy Spirit would not tell someone to do something that he forbid's in his word. It's a very grave matter when someone claims the Holy Spirit told them to do something that He hasn't, for blasphemy of the Holy Ghost cannot be forgiven (Mat 12:31, Mar 3:29, Luk 12:10).

In conclusion we can see that Todd is just another false teacher who professes to know God but denies him through his works (Tit 1:16), he is a blind leader of the blind (Mat 15:14) and should be avoided.

To learn more about Todd Bentely and his antics including the hypnotic music of his services, his claims of Astral projection, and supposed visions of angels see the link below:

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